REC point

Erika Nakanishi|中西瑛理香
Oct 1 – 31


Featured Artworks

Erika Nakanishi


In my own work, I place great importance on the traditional Japanese aesthetic concepts of “ma” (space or interval) and “kanjiru” (to perceive or feel), striving to create expressions that evoke various interpretations and emotions in the viewer. This form of expression originates from the unique Japanese tradition of depicting intangible deities, as seen in the late Kamakura period picture scroll “Kasuga Gongen Genki E-maki.”

“Ma” refers to the deliberate use of space or blank areas to provoke diverse interpretations and emotions in the viewer. The method of depicting deities with hidden faces reflects the Japanese concept of “ma” and is a crucial element that also resonates in my work.

Featured Artworks


Characters, as images, do not appear in photographs. However, they have partially materialized, from being mediums in the past to digital media in the present.

The ecosystem residing in data has drawn diverse contours as a species and contributed to the development of subculture.

On the other hand, printing technology significantly expands the support medium as a concept in art. The flat texture of mass-produced items has stirred a strong yearning for original works and materials. However, images not bound by a medium do not rely on a single support as content. In fact, CG media, which deals with images liberated from materiality, have nurtured many internet artists.

In the early 2010s, characters met with mediums once again through Chaos Lounge and became unique artistic pieces. However, these multi-dimensional, fluctuating beings do not necessarily seek a permanent support medium.

As a quantum entity, the character archives the potential to behave like a wave with overlapping states and holds a solo exhibition in electronic space.